Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Uist 07: Multi user interaction using handheld projectors


This paper was about some guys who made a handheld projector system. The system works with these staple gun like projectors that you hold in your hand and the interface that is used is explored in a flashlight-like manner. Meaning you have to search for the things you want to find by moving the projector around, this is shown clearly in the video. The main thing they wanted to do was try and make file sharing and things like that easy to do, but I really only see this being used for entertainment purposes, mainly amusement parks. Although it did look kind of useful in office meetings, i just don't think i would want to have a projector shining in my eyes while giving a presentation. They also integrated things into it like privacy settings and a feature where the projector will shut off if it is pointed at someone, but that someone has to be holding a projector themselves.

1 comment:

Adam said...

That seems pretty cool, but I'm not sure how practical it would be. I can't see 10 people in a meeting with the gun things taking "screen shots" and taking notes on them. Otherwise, it had some pretty interesting functionality.