Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Man Who Shocked the World

This book was about Stanley Milgram, a social psychologist who came up with some ground breaking discovers relating to how people think and act in certain situations. The book is basically his life story and goes over some of his most famous experiments as well as his personal life.

I thought the book was a pretty interesting read, Milgram had some ideas that just seemed to turn things upside down so that things could be seen in a different way. He definitely thought outside the box. As to his experiments, I thought that his work on obedience brought a new light onto how people percieve authority and how much pain the are willing to inflict just because an authority figure tells them to. Another famous experiment of his I actually heard of first as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon", which is a game where Kevin Bacon can be related to another actor through a series of film roles. And I thought this was a very interesting concept and I want to try and do it myself someday.

1 comment:

jcelgin said...

I found the degrees of separation experiment interesting as well - I didn't know prior to this book that it was anything more than a running pop culture gag.